Pete the Pea has left his pod in Hudson, NY to embark upon the journey of a lifetime! He will accompany me in my studies of religion in Berlin. Every new experience and landmark we come across will be documented here. Although Berlin is our main destination for the next 4 months, we hope to make it to many other places in Europe as well. We don't know what great things await us or what challenges lie ahead but we are very excited to share them all with you! Not to mention how incredibly grateful we are that you are checking in on Pete, one pea out of the many on earth.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Das Kino und Gelato

On Friday I had an urge to go to the movies. After I looked up some places online, I was faced with the decision whether to see the movie in english or german. The movie I wanted to see, Wild with Reese Witherspoon, was a movie that didnt have much dialogue. After all, the movie was about main character, Cheryl Strayed, hiking 1000 miles. 

I decided to see it in english because of the convenience in time and location. And because it was a Friday night and everyone else had plans to go out, it was just Pete and I. 

Einszeit kino was about 45 mins away via public transportation. (That may not seem convenient but almost everything is 45 minutes away. Convenience depends on how many changes one has to make along the way.) When I got there it looked as though I was entering an abondoned building.

I followed the arrows nonetheless. Making my way up two flights of stairs and through a heavy, decorated door, I found myself walking past tables of two with couples drinking various assorments of drinks. I now stood at the counter where I hesitantly asked for a movie ticket thinking a beer would've been more appropriate. To my surprise, after a messy exchange in German with the woman in simple black clothing behind the counter, a ticket lay in hand. She pointed me to the open door to my right and I entered the quaint, orange seat filled theatre with blue and red shaded lights beaming the single isle. 

The movie was really good, Cheryl's 1000 miles felt like a foreshadowing of my time to come. I recommend the movie and will be seeing the next movie, whatever it may be, in German. 
Saturday was a lazy day. Near the end of the day Gina was on the hunt for ice cream. We finally found a place that was open later than 8:30 that wasn't a internationally know chain. Caffé e Gelato it was. 
The 45 minute commute couldn't stop our despiration. 
And as you can see, it was worth it. 
The pictures were decieving. We both only managed to eat about half of what we got. 

Ich habe mein erste Deutsch Prüfung Morgen! 

Gute Nacht!

Abbey & Pete

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