Pete the Pea has left his pod in Hudson, NY to embark upon the journey of a lifetime! He will accompany me in my studies of religion in Berlin. Every new experience and landmark we come across will be documented here. Although Berlin is our main destination for the next 4 months, we hope to make it to many other places in Europe as well. We don't know what great things await us or what challenges lie ahead but we are very excited to share them all with you! Not to mention how incredibly grateful we are that you are checking in on Pete, one pea out of the many on earth.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Die Oper

Last night we went to the Opera! Berlin has 3 Opera houses, which is apparently very rare. I wouldn't know because last night was my first Opera. It was great!
The Opera house we went to was the 2nd best Opera house, the Deutsche Oper. The best one is closed for construction. We saw The Barber of Seville. You will recognize Rossini's music:

Pre-Opera lemonade...because we're too cool for wine.
The lemonade stand
Another lemonade stand
The view from our seats. You can't see them, but there were screens for supertitles (the Opera's version of subtitles...they are just above the screen instead of below.) There were English and German supertitles, which didn't seem strange to me at first but then I realized the German supertitles didn't match the singing. Thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense because why would there be subtitles if it were in German? By intermission we figured out that it was in Italian. 
Poor Pete got checked with our coats, he missed it, but i'm sure he could hear it all!
Passing the time during intermission! They ring a bell to signal its time to go back in, they don't flicker the lights. It sounded similar to a school bell. 
It's really hard to see because the lighting is off, but there is a man sitting on the stage who was there the whole intermission. He is sitting on the edge of a boat casting a fishing line into the orchestra pit. (is that what it's called?) Why, I'm not really sure, but he was a cute elderly man. 
This was taken at the end, I managed to sneak a pic as we were walking out. I LOVED the costumes. They were SOOOO good. This link will take you to the opera house's website and has a lot better pictures from a different cast of the same opera. My favorite character was the guy with the white hair and stiff black beard who wore a red outfit covered by a black robe thing. I think he was my favorite because he was the most unique character. He had extra long fingers and his hat was super fun and I think it helped that I liked his singing in particular. Figaro looked kind of like Fabio, it made his character even more funny that he already was. My favorite costumes were Figaro's cream and turquoise jester looking outfit and the turquoise and red patterned dress of Rosina's. You can see them really well from the website. The one's you can't see on the website I like you can see below. The guy dressed in all white to the right and the little girl dressed as an older woman definitely fit into some favorite category, i'm not sure what. You can actually see the guy in white in the last picture on the website, his costume is SO great! I think the hair is what does it!

On the way home from the Opera, Pete getting on the U-Bahn. 
In the station waiting for the U-Bahn. 
Auf Wiedersehen Deutsche Oper!

<3 Pete and Abbey

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